Submit a Ticket

Step 11:


To finish editing the article, now select "FINISH".


Note, the platform will automatically upload and resize your article to fit all mobile devices, including laptops, tablets and mobile phones, so you don't need to do anything!


To Publish the article "Live", all you need to do is to click on the BRIGHT GREEN "PUBLISH" button located at the top right hand part of the platform screen.


The platform will now update your article to show 'Live" on all your select blog feed categories. Wait, as the SportsWeb platform does its work (you'll see a circle of green dots rotating in the middle of the screen) and then a white box with "Website Published"  and the link to the live site will appear as shown below right.


Now Go & Check your work & if your happy with the result, give yourself a pat on the back or your own high five ;)


If things haven't gone to plan, you may need to contact us and we can review it with you to see where things may have gone wrong and make sure you get the outcome you want.


For support - Book a Tech support session here, email us at or call us on 0456749946.

Step 10:


Here you will enter the Meta Title (how google reads and understands what your article is about). Replicate your article heading here.


Tip: Its a good idea to preface the meta title article with the name of your your club or association, so the meta title may read as the following example - Glenroy Football Club - Glenroy Hits The Track!


Next enter your article Meta Description (This details to Google's search engine what the detail of the article is). At this point, copy some, or all of your article text and insert it here.


Tip: Google likes to see at least 1 paragraph or 12 words here.


Next, scroll to the bottom of settings on the "Article" tab as shown in Step 11's image.

Step 8:


The SportsWeb platform works very similar to WORD and any other similar computer programs. In order to edit the text, simply highlight the existing text and paste your article text in or write it directly. 


Should you wish to change font styles, colour, etc - use the text editor by highlight on the text and making your selection as shown to the right, the same way you would do in WORD.


Step 7:


As shown to the right, edit your heading. Its important that you try and capture an attention grabbing headline to get the most eyes to your article. If you're stuck for ideas - use our AI tool or head to Chatgpt to get it reworked to heading you like.


Proceed to Step 8 now to edit the text of your article.



Step 6:


The image you selected will now be displayed at the top of your news article.


Proceed to Step 7 to now edit the headings and text.


Step 5:


If you haven't already saved the image here, do so now by selecting "Select files" to access your WEBP file in your computer folders.


Before you select the image to be imported ensure that you have the correct file by making sure it has the WEBP extension and not .png or jpg.


Once you have done this proceed to Step 6.


Step 4:


The template will now show, ready for you to edit. 

Make sure you have compressed your image, if you haven't -  do so now. Follow the prompts here on how to perform.


Firstly, click on the image and ensure the prompt "edit the image" comes up after you have clicked on the "wheel" in the corner of your selected image, as shown to the right here.


Select "Edit the image". This will now take you to the platforms' file storage area. 


Proceed to Step 5.



Step 3:


Next, you will be prompted to select the categories that you'd like your news article to be tagged to.


Typically, clubs maintain distinct news pages for their senior and junior divisions or for different sports in the case of multi-sport clubs, such as a Football/Netball club. It is crucial to ensure the accurate selection of relevant categories for your news article, as this determines where it will be displayed.


If your Club has a "Main Story" function enabled, and this news article is important to be highlighted - ensure you select it as a Main Story category. Please note, only one main story will be shown at a time and in date release order (the most recent being shown). Select all the categories that apply to your post and then select the "CREATE" button.


Step 2:


Once you select "new article", the platform will show you the templates that you have available to use.


In this example, you have three article layouts (there are more in the Premium Blog version available as an "add-on" Special feature):


1 - Single Photo Article - Landscape - This is most suitable for images that you are going to use that are best viewed in a landscape aspect. Please note, if you use this one, your "thumbnail" that appears on your social media pages may be cropped.


2 - Single Photo Article - Portrait - This is most suitable for images that you are going to use that are best viewed in portrait. Please note, this may be the best option to use that is compatible with most social media thumbnail posts.


3 -  For Video News article - please refer to the - "Social Compatible Video Template" guide.


Step 1:


Log-in to your website using the credentials we have supplied to you.


Before you start, ensure you have converted your images to use as compressed WEBP files as instructed here.


Once you are logged in, navigate to the top left of your screen to find "Articles & Blog".


Select "New Article". 


Optimising Your SportsWeb Blog for Maximum Impact:

Within the SportsWeb platform, you're presented with two dynamic Blog features designed to amplify engagement, foster connections, and ultimately drive traffic to your sports club website—an integral goal for attracting new players, sponsors, and families while keeping existing members engaged. The essence of a well-crafted blog feed lies in prompting your audience to visit your site via social media, reversing the traditional flow of engagement.

  • Basic Blog (Included with all Plans): This fundamental feature provides a straightforward yet effective blogging experience. With a range of basic article templates at your disposal—each incorporating one image or video alongside text—you can effortlessly share your blog link across selected social media accounts post-publication.

  • Premium Blog (Available as a "Special Feature"): Elevate your blogging experience with the Premium option, encompassing all features of the "Basic Blog" and more. Gain access to a variety of additional templates, facilitating multiple image or gallery posts. What's more, the Premium Blog comes equipped with our automated social media platform. Once you publish your blog article, SportsWeb's unique automation seamlessly handles the distribution process, automatically posting your content across all preferred connected social media platforms. This streamlines the sharing process, saving valuable time for your club's volunteers who would otherwise need to individually paste links on each platform.

In essence, by leveraging these Blog features, you not only enhance your club's online presence but also streamline the dissemination of your content, ensuring that your narrative reaches a broader audience effortlessly. Choose the level of functionality that aligns with your club's goals and watch as your SportsWeb Blog becomes a powerful tool in driving engagement and achieving your overarching objectives.

Why are Club Blogs so important? Unlock the Power of Connection and Engagement: Elevate Your Sports Club with a Dynamic Blog!

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, a blog isn't just a platform; it's a game-changer for sports clubs aiming to forge stronger bonds with their community, players, sponsors and fans. Here's why having a blog is not just an option but a crucial asset for your sports club:

  • Community Building: A blog becomes the heartbeat of your sports club, providing a centralised space for fans, players, sponsors and supporters to converge. Share captivating stories, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and exclusive interviews to foster a sense of belonging and unity.

  • Enhanced Visibility: Boost your sports club's online presence with regular, relevant content. A well-maintained blog is a powerful tool for search engine optimisation (SEO), ensuring your club stays visible to potential fans, sponsors, and collaborators, ultimately expanding your reach.

  • Storytelling Magic: Engage your audience on a deeper level by narrating compelling narratives. A blog allows you to tell the stories that statistics and match results can't convey, creating emotional connections that resonate with your audience long after the game is over.

  • Fan Involvement: Transform passive spectators into active participants. A blog opens up avenues for fan interaction through comments, polls, and social media sharing, turning your audience into a dynamic community that actively supports your sports club.

  • Revenue Generation: Beyond the thrill of the game, a blog can be a revenue-generating powerhouse. From sponsored content and merchandise sales to partnership opportunities, a well-maintained blog attracts businesses looking to align with the values and spirit of your sports club.

  • Exclusive Content: Reward your loyal supporters with exclusive content they can't find anywhere else. From behind-the-scenes footage to interviews with players and coaching staff, a blog provides a VIP pass to the inner workings of your sports club, creating a sense of exclusivity.

  • Real-time Updates: Keep your audience informed and engaged with real-time updates. Whether it's match previews, injury reports, or exciting announcements, a blog ensures your fans are always in the loop, enhancing their overall experience.

In conclusion, a blog is more than a digital diary—it's a strategic asset that propels your sports club into the hearts and minds of your players, sponsors and fans. Embrace the power of storytelling, community building, and online visibility to take your sports club to new heights. Don't just play the game; own the narrative with a dynamic blog!"

How to publish a news (BLOG) article

Book a Tech Support Session online: Book Here

Phone: 0456749946

How to Publish a SportsWeb Blog:

The process for publishing a blog using the "Basic" Blog or the"Premium" version is identical, with exception in the premium plan it facilitates the use of more images and automatically posts to your pre-selected social media accounts.

Step 9:


You are now ready to finalise your article ready for publishing.


Before you do, head over to the top right hand side of the platform and select settings, then the  "Article" tab, unless it has already defaulted to this. Scroll down until you see the SEO tool as shown in the Step 10 image.


In order to improve your SEO (Google) ranking, it is important to complete this quick task. It will help your club get discovered more easily and even boost the value of your sponsors presence on your website.


Now proceed to step 10.





Professional websites for sports clubs

SportsWeb Australia, delivering easy to use, no code, professional sports club website designs for amateur sports clubs.


A Modern, Mobile Friendly Website to Boost 

Your Club Brand,

Increase Revenue,

& Attract New Sponsors, Players & Families.



©Sportsweb & Club Tix are brands of Click Sports Media. 

All Rights Reserved 2043.

SportsWeb Australia, delivering easy to use, no code, professional sports club website designs for amateur sports clubs.

SportsWeb Australia

Merge - Geelong Arts Centre, 

50 Little Malop St Geelong VIC 3220


Phone: 1300 781 505